C&R Design

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Design principles
Version 3.1
At C&R, we build attractive, responsive and useful compliance products that anticipate people’s expectations and adapt to their workflow.

These are the design principles that help us do that.
Principle one
Map the journey

Understand the user's needs, motivations and their jobs to be done. Map out the journey  from point A to point B, why they are doing it and how we will get them there. Remember that the user is the hero of the story.

Principle two
Hide complexity

Our app is complex and data heavy. Try and strip the complexity back and show only what’s necessary, when necessary. Hide infrequently used actions or more advanced options. Use progressive disclosure.

Principle three
Focus attention

Everything in the interface needs to be processed by the user’s brain. Present one decision at a time. Be ruthless with the prioritisation and make the choices simple and limit distraction. The less there is to process, the lower the cognitive load.

Principle four
Be smart

User input takes a lot of effort and time. Strive for the least amount of user input to reach a goal. Every input that is required from the user increases friction and chances of giving up. Use smart defaults and automate anything we can.

Principle five
Repeat processes

Letting the user repeat similar actions, speeds up efficiency and stops them going back to the start.

Principle six
Create space

Not every page has to feel text heavy. Just like a working space in the physical world, having an open, airy space helps our minds work with less distraction. Employ generous space if appropriate around heavy content areas. Use images to break up text and lighten strong areas of detail.

Principle seven
Stay consistent

Making patterns and elements uniform, in visual appearance and behaviour is important. We want a notification message or button to look and behave the same way. Consistency and standards maintains the user’s trust and ensures that their expectations will be met. Of course, we can break this rule now and again.

Principle eight
Offer guidance

Users can get stuck on seemingly simple actions for reasons outside of their control. Guide users through the platform. Provide help, and give plenty of hints and signposts if needed. Get them on the right track, so they can use the tool as efficiently as possible so they shine.

Principle nine
Give feedback

Don’t leave users hanging. The user must understand the results of the decisions they make and feel that they have made the correct decision. Tell them what they have done, be transparent, give immediate feedback.

Principle ten
Provide insight

Show users the hard work they have put in. Make their progress visible and easy to access. Give them charts, visual reporting and the ability to export this data.